Sunday, 18 January 2015

life drawing class

OK, I've made them very small so as not to offend. 
I did 7 days of life drawing a week or so ago. 
It was exhausting.


  1. love the pastel in the top LH corner and the one next to it has an Egon Schiele feel. Drawing from life helps me connect with & understand the world, what it feels like to be in our bodies. Have a go at being the model, becoming the line is a great way to understand life drawing with the body mind, the vulnerability of being naked, feeling the different tensions that are created holding a pose for 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, half an hour, an hour and coming back to the same pose for a painting class.

    1. Thanks Mo, it was an experience. I am so totally not ready for being the model, bur I'll keep your thoughts in mind!. I've signed up for a weekly class. I think I love drawing backs and bottoms.

  2. they look amazing and I adore the way you have presented them here Jane

  3. Nothing works as well as life drawing to open the visual heart and loosen the artistic faculty. I envy you.
