Monday, 16 January 2012

Paris Day 1

Place St Michel on Day 1 - I'll blame the jetlag for cutting off the top. We had an appartment in the Rue St Andre des Arts in the 6th, & this was at the end of our street. By the end of the 2 weeks we hardly even looked at it, & I didn't think to take another picture. The weather was cold (but not freezing) with constant drizzle - just enough to need an umbrella most of the time.

Starting again

The excitement of having time and calm to create again. My sketch habit isn't ingrained enough to be able to continue with it anywhere and everywhere. I happily packed pencils, sketchbook etc for a 2 week stay in Paris after Christmas - but I didn't touch them. I guess I thought I wouldn't do anything over there justice. I looked and absorbed instead.
Before Christmas I had become stumped with following Sian Martins sketchbook project - with a colour section. I have done some colour reading, and am now quite overwhelmed by the amount of information. I knew there was a colour wheel, but the way that pigments in different colours affect how they go on the paper? I certainly didn't know anything about that.
So, back to "Sketching on the right side of the Brain". Did a few hands to get back into the swing, & then worked a hand on a graphite coloured ground.

Fun. (and you can see where I rushed with my wrist in the bottom left corner)