Tuesday 22 November 2011

Learning the Highlights

A few weeks ago at an ATASDA social day, we used the Brusho dyes kindly donated by Sandra Meech (way back in May). I transfromed my latest sketchbook into a lovely riot of colour. Resists were added randomly as was a bit of bleaching. Not a scary pristine page to be seen. At the same social day we had some t-pots and vases set up for sketching.

In all these examples I actually sketched the t-pot first and then painted the page. Above, extra colour was added with water colour pencil. Below, shading was done with fine texta and highlights with white chinagraph pencil.

Here is my favourite bubble vase sketched on the dyed page the next day. I like sketching and painting on the dyed pages - the watercolour pencils sit nicely on top of the coloured dye. However, must remember to make the pieces actually sit on surface, give them a shadow.

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