Wednesday 21 September 2011


I found a wonderful case moth in the garden, and being an entomologist in a previous life epoch, I couldn't resist picking it up. I even put it in the sun so that I could investigate the shadows. All those sticky bits and shadows were quite challenging. Then it started bumping & bulging, and a huge orange & black catterpillar poked its head out - what a surprise - then it just wandered off - so I returned it to its tree.

Below are some pictures of my subject matter going walkabout - & the stick & bit of leaf where it started.

 After all that excitement, I recalled that "pet" rocks dont go anywhere, so I tried the lines on this one. Lots of lines though, and my brain couldn't manage to focus on individual ones, so I guess its more of an impression.

And I tried the Banksia pod again.

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